The Power of LIKE

The infamous LIKE button. Now that it’s been around for 11+ years, what would we do without it, right?

For over 11 years we’ve been obsessed with this iconic little button and its power over human nature. I’m pretty sure the animal kingdom doesn’t really care about the LIKE button, but we humans, oh yeah, we sure do.

The LIKE button has become the all-inclusive ratcheting gesture of society. Using it for any presence once known: replacing the hi-five of the 70s or the two-finger peace-sign of the 60s or possibly the hang-loose hand gesture of Hawaiian culture and the surfer scene, the shaka.

Where does this put us in relation to the ease of its power? To skip a post by not LIKING it, to LIKE the passing of a family member or friend, or to feel a part of the conversation. The pressure.

The ethical persona of the LIKE button could possibly be the moral fiber of our existence. Taking us into the future of simplicity, into the abyss of culture-driven iconic button, where the deer and the antelope can’t play, but we do—and will. The damned if you do and damned if you don’t iconic symbol of this era and possibly beyond.

Use it sparingly or not? It’s just a little LIKE button and really no more than that.

Like away people. Start by LIKING this article and then SHARE it – OMG.


Rod King
Web/Interactive Director

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