Coming up for AIR: an innovative treatment program provides patients hope

Minority Mental Health Awareness

September is National Recovery Month. Each September, we aim to educate our community about substance use disorders and promote our services to help those with substance use disorders live healthy and rewarding lives.

The hard work that goes into a successful treatment plan often goes unnoticed, and Recovery Month aims to celebrate the achievements made by everyone in recovery by reinforcing the positive actions they have taken to regain their health. Being able to increase awareness about effective treatment and successful recoveries, only benefits the members of our community. We are proud of our staff members who help to facilitate the recovery process, but we are the proudest of our patients who have put in the work and have been successful in their recovery.

Opioid use disorder is everywhere”” and central Pa. is no different. Pennsylvania has some of the highest overdose rates in our nation””that’s at least one overdose a day from central Pa. hospitals. In 2018, it is believed that over 120 people died by overdose in Dauphin County alone.

The epidemic is overwhelming, but it is important to remember that people do recover. It is possible to overcome addiction. You are not alone. It’s just a matter of reaching out for help, and then getting connected with effective, evidence based, comprehensive treatment.

PPI is providing that help with their innovative Advancement In Recovery (AIR) Program. Through a combination of Medication-Assisted Treatment””or MAT””and intensive counseling, people with opioid use disorder are getting a second chance to live a fulfilling life.

If you would like to speak to someone about better managing your stress and anxiety, or to make an appointment, please call  (717) 782-6493  for more information.

“We treat patients with respect and compassion. Substance use disorder is a medical issue””a progressive, chronic disease””and we approach it with a prescribed set of treatments like any other disease.”