Hospice Residence

Our hospice residence service, called Carolyn’s House, provides 24-hour hospice care to individuals who are unable to remain at the place they call home. HCP offers residential hospice services when personal choices or medical needs make other care options difficult.

Carolyn's House
1701 Linglestown Road
Harrisburg, PA 17110

History of Carolyn's House

Carolyn’s House is named after a hospice nurse, Carolyn Croxton Slane, who served HCP patients and families for many years. When she was faced with a terminal illness, she sought care from our program. It was in her memory that the residence was named. In 2015, the name was changed from the Carolyn Croxton Slane Residence to Carolyn’s House, to continue to honor its namesake.

Who helps at Carolyn's House

The approach to care at Carolyn’s House includes an interdisciplinary team of specially trained professionals who work with the patient and family to develop a plan of care specific to your needs. These professionals include physicians, registered and licensed nurses and nursing assistants 24-hours a day. Spiritual counselors and trained volunteers are also a part of the services provided.

Benefits of Carolyn's House

Patients may choose to have their primary physician or the HCP Medical Director guide or oversee their plan of care. Along with the interdisciplinary team, Carolyn’s House offers:

  • ​Greater assistance with daily living activities
  • Focused pain and symptom management
  • Short-term caregiver relief
  • 24-hour nursing care

Qualifications for Carolyn’s House

Hospice care at home may not be right for everyone. When a patient has pain, shortness of breath or other symptoms that are difficult to manage at home, Carolyn’s House may be the best choice. Our admission staff will work with you to determine if this setting of care is right for you.

When should I consider Carolyn’s House?

Carolyn’s House is available for patients who are experiencing increased symptoms and require 24-hour per day nursing care or for those who, for personal reasons, do not wish to stay in their own home.

What services are provided?

An interdisciplinary team of physicians, registered and licensed nurses and nursing assistants, spiritual counselors and trained volunteers provide emotional, physical and spiritual care and comfort to the patients and their families.

Can I afford Carolyn's House?

The daily rate for residential care at Carolyn’s House is based on the individual or family’s resources and ability to pay. This rate is determined at the time the patient is seeking admission. The daily hospice care provided is generally paid for by Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance.

Our Welcome Book provides helpful information for visiting guests and family members.

Click here to download the Carolyn’s House Welcome Book.

Trust HCP wherever you call home.

Whether that is in the comfort of your home, or a residential community, HCP doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, aides and volunteers can provide the care and support you need.

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