Volunteer Opportunities

HCP volunteers started the organization in 1979 and they continue to strengthen everything we do.

Our volunteers have an immeasurable impact on our patients, families and community.

Working with patients, bereaved children or administrative work aimed at outreach to our community, volunteers make things happen for HCP! What we can measure tells us this; in 2018, HCP recorded 282 active volunteers who donated 10,708 hours to HCP’s mission to provide the highest quality of emotional, physical and spiritual support with compassion and respect. Their time and talents resulted in $186,011 in cost savings to the organization. To become an HCP volunteer, please complete the application linked below.

Volunteer today

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

- Leo Buscaglia

If you have questions about volunteer training, clearances or the application, please reach out to Cheryl Pry, cpry@hospiceofcentralpa.org or Betsie McClinmans, EMcClimans@hospiceofcentralpa.org.

Please click here to download the volunteer application.

  • Patient and Family Support Volunteers
  • Bouquets of Love Volunteers
  • Camp Dragonfly Volunteers (Volunteer Application)
  • Carolyn’s House Volunteers
  • 11th Hour Volunteers
  • Veteran-to-Veteran Volunteers

Cheryl Pry

Volunteer Coordinator
(717) 732-1000

Elizabeth “Betsie” McClimans

Volunteer Coordinator
(717) 732-1000

Trust HCP wherever you call home.

Whether that is in the comfort of your home, or a residential community, HCP doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, aides and volunteers can provide the care and support you need.

Talk to us